District 5960 will be participating in a Rotary Friendship Exchange District 3030 Napgur India from January 9 – 19, 2016.  The team should consist of 10 people. District 3030 is large with almost 90 clubs and 4500 Rotarians.  Nagpur is also known as the “tiger capital” due to many national parks in the vicinity.
Participants on this exchange are responsible for their own air travel expenses and personal spending money.  They may also be expected to cover the following expenses:  admission to tourist sites, concerts museums etc., gifts for overnight hosts, meals at Rotary Club meetings, travel insurance and passport.
Air Travel Expense looks to be around $1,750.00 round trip per person.  Rotarian should expect to have 10 days for visiting and 2 days for traveling.  RFE Rotarians will be expected to host incoming Rotarians from District 3030.  Those dates for inbound are May 12 – 21, 2016
Application   (Application and Deposit Due by Oct 1, 2015)
For more information, please visit the District 5960 website.