Sep 26, 2024 7:00 AM
Kevin Scheel
History of Cannabis

Kevin R. Scheel, MS, LADC, MAC, is a Masters prepared chemical dependency counselor and has been active in the human service field since 1974. He has served as the director of programs in the public sector and private care facilities, both in the profit and not-for-profit arenas. He has been delivering education services to the field since 1986 as an instructor at McLennan Community College and Baylor University in Waco, Texas, and as a private training consultant with Hazelden.  - Join this Thursday as we hear from Kevin on the history of Cannabis. 


Lakeville Rotary Club meets each Thursday morning at Brackett's Crossing County Club, starting at 7:00 a.m.  You are also welcome to attend meetings via Zoom if that is more comfortable or convenient. Please use the following meeting ID and password to join us for fun, fellowship, and engaging speakers.

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